dimanche 28 septembre 2008

The end

After 4 months of hard work in the most expensive restaurant of Osaka, I decided to throw the towel away. Indeed, it was an interesting human experience, but as for the cooking experience, it would be a bit far fetched to go that far. I learnt, but never enough... and I don't want to sound unrespectful, but the only way to improve yourself when you start in a new field is your "Sensei"... as long as your sensei worth it... about that, no comment...
I decided as well not to use the web to spread what I lived and know now, but it definately was unique and I could almost make a movie out of it. And for a good reason, within 3 days, 5 people left, not talking about since I started, I might have seen about 20 people coming and almost leaving straight away. Half way to be funny... or ridiculous. I met a couple of wonderful people... they know who they are, and that's the most important for me.
To sum up, any kind of experiences, even the worst one (and especially the worst one) worth it.
Anyway, another new life is starting back again. Money is saved for a while and I keep myself busy teaching french private lessons to about 8 students now... it does the job, fair enough, I'll start to look for another "arubaito" soon anyway.
I'll keep you posted.

1 commentaire:

Anonyme a dit…

desoler pour cet mauvaise experience dans la restauration .
On aurai bien voulu partager un peux plus de temps et t apprendre un peux plus sur la patoche .
Mes sa sera en cour priver mes gratuit ...
Merci beaucoup a toi tu nous a apporter beaucoup de chose et surtout de la bonne hummeur ...
En esperent continuer cette relation queque soit le pays qui nous separt!!!
KAORI , Franck